Resources on Religion and the Environment
Photo by nina lindgren on Unsplash
Sometimes called "creation care" or respecting God's Earth, religions worldwide are stepping into different ways of caring for and protecting the environment. The following was in part compiled by Science and Environmental Health Network.
- Interfaith Power and Light: works with faith communities around the country to cut energy use and switch to cleaner sources of power.
- Faith in Place: works with congregations of every faith, helping them to green their houses of worship.
- Harvard Divinity School's Center for the Study of World Religions: a comprehensive online section on religions of the world and ecology with many books, lectures, and publications on major religions' environmental philosophy and practice.
- Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life (COEJL): a national coalition of Jewish environmental organizations seeking to expand the contemporary understanding of such Jewish values as tikkun olam (repairing the world) and tzedek (justice) to include the protection of both people and other species from environmental degradation. COEJL's Greening Synagogues Resources
- Earth Sangha: a Buddhist environmental nonprofit committed to practical environmental action including restoration projects.
- The Islamic Foundation for Ecology and Environmental Sciences: produces information, research, and training and articulates Muslim positions on the environment.
- Alliance of Religions and Conservation: Hindu faith statement on ecology