About Dr. Steven Gilbert


Steven G. Gilbert, PhD, DABT has been working to bring awareness about the health effects, history and politics of toxic substances to the public for over 30 years.

He's the founder and Director of the Institute of Neurotoxicology and Neurological Disorders (INND) and is a Diplomat of the American Board of Toxicology. He is also an Affiliate Professor at the University of Washington’s School of Public Health, in the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences.

In 2016, Dr. Gilbert was recognized by the Society of Toxicology with its Public Communications Award for broadening the public understanding of toxicological issues.  He passionately believes that one of the most important things that public health professionals can do is widely share their knowledge and scientific findings in accessible and meaningful ways.


Early in his career, Dr. Gilbert spent 15 years with Health Canada, where his research focused on the neurobehavioral effects of low-level exposure to lead, mercury, and caffeine on the developing nervous system.  In 1990 he joined the DEOHS Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences  faculty to continue his research into low-level effects of methylmercury. He went on to become President and part owner of the Redmond-based biotechnology pre-clinical research company, Biosupport, LTD. Biosupport merged with SNBL USA where he served as President of the SNBL USA operation.

After SNBL, Dr. Gilbert turned his attention to finding ways to inform and educate the public and policy makers about the health effects of common chemicals. This effort has taken many forms, including the publication of his free e-book, A Small Dose of Toxicology- The Health Effects of Common Chemicals, published in 2004. The book has been translated into Spanish, German, Arabic, and Chinese and can be downloaded here.  His Milestones of Toxicology history poster has been translated into 19 languages.

He also created Toxipedia, a free, online resource on toxicology, exploring and revealing the human and environmental health effects of chemicals, drugs, and consumer products. Dr. Gilbert continues to blog, lecture, and create tools to make toxicological information accessible to all.

Beyond just toxicology, Dr. Gilbert remains ever-interested in the intersection of history, ethics and science and has devoted time to highlighting both the detrimental and the instrumental in efforts to summon a more life-sustaining world.

He co-curated a traveling art and science exhibition entitled Particles on the Wall, which unites the arts and sciences to explore the health and environmental impact of past and present work at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation (www.particlesonthewall.org).  He was deeply involved in developing the interactive, online International Women Peacemakers poster with a database of over 2000 women (www.womeninpeace.org).  

Most recently he's begun studying and lecturing about walls.  He cataloged the many kinds and purpose of walls with a look at how walls have impacted public health throughout history. (www.voicesthroughwalls.org).

arabic VERSION:

Small Dose Arabic Cover 5.18.jpg.png

A Small Dose of Toxicology: Health Effects of Common Chemicals

A Small Dose of Toxicology was translated into Arabic by Ansam Sawalha, Ph.D., Associate professor of pharmacology and toxicology, Founding director, Poison Control Center, An-Najah National University, Palestinian authority area, with assistance from her students.

عرض أو تنزيل فصول فردية أدناه / View or download individual chapters below.
Accompanying powerpoints available on English version page.

عرض أو تنزيل الكتاب بأكمله / View or download the entire book as a PDF: 

Arabic edition, A Small Dose of Toxicology.pdf



Download Chapters & Resources

Chapter 1

 - أنت وعلم السموم - مقدمة لجرعة صغيرة من السموم 

Chapter 2

اساسيات في علم السموم 

Chapter 3

مقدمة الى تاريخ علم السموم والدروس المستفادة منه 

Chapter   4

جرعة صغيرة من الكحول  

Chapter   5

جرعة صغيرة من الكافيين  

Chapter   6

جرعة صغيرة من للنيكوتين 

Chapter   7

جرعة صغيرة من المبيدات 

Chapter   8

جرعة صغيرة من الرصاص 

Chapter   9

جرعة صغيرة من الزئبق جرعة صغيرة من الزئبق

Chapter 10

جرعة صغيرة من الزرنيخ 

Chapter 11

- جرعة صغيرة من المعادن  

Chapter 12

جرعة صغيرة من المذيبات 

Chapter 13

- جرعة صغيرة من الاشعاعات

Chapter 14

جرعة صغيرة من ال الملوثات البيئية التي لا تتحلل

Chapter 15

جرعة صغيرة من المواد التي تؤدي إلى اختلال الغدد الصماء

Chapter 16

جرعة صغيرة من التسمم الخاص بالنانو (الجزيئات المتناهية الصغر 

Chapter 17

جرعة صغيرة من سموم النباتات والحيوانات

Chapter 18

- جرعة صغيرة من السموم العصبية  

Chapter 19

جرعة صغيرة من السرطان وعلم السموم الوراثي

Chapter 20

جرعة صغيرة من علم السموم المتعلق بالنمو

Chapter 21

جرعة صغيرة من تلوث الهواء

Chapter 22

جرعة صغيرة من تلوث المياه

Chapter 23

جرعة صغيرة من تلوث التربة

Chapter 24

جرعة صغيرة من المواد السامة في المنزل

Chapter 25

-جرعة صغيرة من تقييم الخطر

Chapter 26

جرعة صغيرة من الأخلاقيات


Milestone's Educational Tool: A History of Toxicology [Arabic]



A longtime advocate for public health prevention, a nuclear free world, and peace, Dr. Gilbert has worked to engage policymakers through one-on-one discussions, public testimony, op-ed pieces, and other activities to increase awareness and promote policies for a healthier and more peaceful world.

Likewise, Dr. Gilbert invites toxic-awareness advocates and organizations, parents, teachers, students and anyone else wishing to be informed and active in creating a cleaner world to stop by, join the email list [link here to join list or below] and stay engaged with Toxipedia’s free information and resources.

Dr. Gilbert's Work is done through his non-profit, The Institute of Neurotoxicology and Neurological Disorders. Supporting this important work is so crucial and deeply appreciated.


Steve's Toxic Tours

Below is a list of Toxic Sites or Places of Interest Visited by Steve



Video on Particles on the Wall