

understanding how ethics Plays a Part in Connecting the Dots for Effective Changemaking

A Guide to Decision Making

Ethics is often thought of as a branch of philosophy that attempts to explain what is right and wrong about a decision.  But it is really much more than that.  Ethics defines your approach to decision making.  A great deal has been written on many different topics related to ethics and environmental ethics is most relevant. 

Environmental Ethics is commonly defined as the philosophical study of the relationship of humans to the surrounding environment.  For our purposes, it can be narrowed and referred to as environmental health ethics or EHE. EHE strives to consider the scientific facts and making decisions that keep humans and world health and sustainable for current and future generations. EHE accepts the premises that we as humans have and ethical responsibility to ensure that all living things can reach and maintain their full potential. 

Below are several posts from the Toxipedia blog that explore the role of ethics in toxicological change making, but also serve as examples of how ethics can be used to empower any initiative to better the world.

Posts in toxicological ethics & beyond